Sunday, June 26, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant. ---Anthony Robbins

So, kind of a dramatic quote, right? You're probably thinking to yourself, "what sort of life-changing decision has she made today?" Actually, I'm talking about my classroom. And my curriculum. Somehow, carte blanche seemed like a good idea ages ago, but now it's very daunting and I fear I do not know where to begin. I was so anxious to get my keys, my curriculum and texts, ready for August. And now, I'm panicking every time I look at the calendar. "It's almost July? Whaaaaat?"

I suppose I'll get through it like I always do. :)

In other news... I've graduated. I'm waiting tables. Until August, and let me just say that I will not be working food service ever again. Every person should wait tables for a day for all people to understand the crap that servers go through on a daily basis. I'm attending a Holocaust Educator's Seminar this coming week. It's gonna be AWESOME, and a chance to reunite with some amazing educators who have truly shaped me as both an educator and as a person. I feel nothing but overwhelming gratitude.

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